Poultry egg and meat are the two cheapest sources of animal
proteins for non-vegetarians across the globe. The
improvement of poultry production needs to be efficiently
carried out for which various tools are to be adopted. Simple
breeding theory inculcates mating among the superiors,
which is being practiced since long before. Poultry
improvement has gained momentum to augment the
performance of birds not only in terms of production but
also sustainability. Chickens are mainly classified as eggtype chicken and meat-types chickens. Along with the major
production traits, other functional traits such as feed
efficiency and nutrient quality of poultry produce are being
given due emphasis to achieve the major target. Many
conventional selection and breeding approaches have been
adopted by the animal breeders to improve these traits.
Due to the inherent nature of population and selection
criteria, the rate of genetic progress became relatively slow
and ultimately, the variability of pure line populations has
been gradually shrunken. The nutritional approach
maximizes the net profit of the poultry rearing by providing
suitable niche to express the desired economic traits in
optimum capacity. Recently, genomic selection and
biotechnological approaches are showing high potential
to enhance the productivity of birds at faster rate.
Keywords: Poultry, feed efficiency, nutrient efficiency, nutrient quality
Year: 2019
Volume: 79
Issue: 1, Supplement
Article DOI: 10.31742/IJGPB.79S.1.10
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
R. N. Chatterjee*, T. K. Bhattacharya and S. S. Paul info_circle