Correlation and path coefficients were studied for seven characters utilizing 16 genotypes
ofcocoyam. Genotypic correlation coefficients were generally higher than phenotypic ones
except for number of cormels with other characteristics such as dry matter content of corm
and cormels, corm +cormel fresh weight, leafarea, and numberofleaves. Numberofleaves,
leaf area and total cocoyam yield (corm + cormel fresh weight) were positively correlated
with each other. The path coefficientanalysis showed that number ofleaveshad the highest
genotypic correlation with cocoyam yield. Leaf area and number of cormels had high
positive direct effect on cocoyam yield while dry matter content of corms exhibited high
negative direct effect.
Keywords: Xanthosoma sagittijiJlium, cocoyam, correlation, path analysis.
Year: 1993
Volume: 53
Issue: 3
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
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