The effect of high temperature at anthesis on spikelet fertility
was studied in 22 rice genotypes selected from 98 heat
tolerant genotypes. Genotypes were grown in field under
natural conditions in Randomized Block Design replicated
twice till vegetative stage. Before booting stage, few plants
were transferred to pots and placed in polyhouse for high
temperature treatments. On the first day of anthesis (i.e.
the appearance of anthers), plants were transferred into
polyhouse with temperatures gradually increasing from
29oC to 40oC and maintained at 40oC until 15 h, with a
relative humidity of 75 percent . Seven genotypes viz., IR
86970-145-1, IR86977-140-2, IR 86977-141-3, IR86977-95-1,
IR 86970-126-3, IR 86977-92-3 and IR 86977-104-1 exhibited
20 to 40 per cent spikelet fertility after exposure to high
temperature of 40oC. The pollen fertility ranged from 39.0 to
90.5 per cent. The genotype IR 86970-145-1 had significant
value for anther length (2.125) and anther breadth (0.320).
Anther dimensions seem to have an influence on anther
dehiscence, pollen and spikelet fertility. All other genotypes
were found to be sterile with no seed set. Exposure to high
temperature during heading has significantly reduced the
spikelet fertility but there were genotypic differences.
Keywords: Spikelet fertility, heat tolerance, anther dehiscence, rice
Year: 2014
Volume: 74
Issue: 3
Article DOI: 10.5958/0975-6906.2014.00847.5
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
M. Maavimani info_circle
R. Saraswathi info_circle