The GCA and SCA variance in combining ability analysis
among the crosses involving 11 sweet corn inbreds was
significant for all the traits studied. The additive and nonadditive gene effects were found predominant for all the
traits. Inbred lines IPSA-8761, IPSA-8761, IPSA-8752, IPSA-
8757 and IPSA-8754 were identified as good general
combiners for different traits. Specific crosses namely,
IPSA-8753 x IPSA-8755, IPSA-8753 x IPSA-8761, IPSA-8754 x
IPSA-8758 and IPSA-8756 x IPSA-8758 had significant SCA
effects and were identified for various flowering and
maturity traits whereas IPSA-8755X IPSA-8758 and IPSA-
8754X IPSA-8757 showed significant SCA effect for ear
weight with husk, without husk and sugar content. The
hybrid IPSA-8753 x IPSA-8759 also showed significant SCA
effect for the main sweet corn traits referring to green ear
weight without husk and sugar content. These findings
could serve as crucial inputs required for improvement of
sweet corn.
Keywords: Sweet corn, sweetness, diallel, sca and gca variance, quality traits
Year: 2014
Volume: 74
Issue: 3
Article DOI: 10.5958/0975-6906.2014.00859.1
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
K. Elayaraja,Jyoti Kumari info_circle
R. N. Gadag info_circle
Avinash Singode and Dharam Paul info_circle