Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding

Variability in quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) population from Baramulla district of Kashmir valley

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The quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill) has a long history of
cultivation in the Middle East where it is native and
throughout the Mediterranean region. Commercial
production seems to be mostly in eastern Europe and
Asia minor [1]. Now a days, it is extended to all over the
world, above all in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Algeria,
Tunis, Countries of southern Europe, France and
Portugal [2]. In India, quince is mostly grown in Jammu
and Kashmir and some parts of Himachal Pradesh most
frequently in backyards and fence corners. Traditionally,
quince after harvest is locally marketed and is used for
culinary purposes in the form of cooked delicacy dish in
“Kashmiri Wazwan”. It is utilized for making preserve
(murabba), which is known to possess beneficial
medicinal properties in Unani medicine. In the Greece,
a tea prepared by boiling dry seeds of quince in water
is given in cholecystitis in humans [3]. The kernel oil is
used for massage [4]. In Jammu and Kashmir, the
existing variability in quince germplasm has not been
exploited so far, as a result not a single known variety
is available for commercial cultivation. Fruit
characteristics like fruit weight, TSS, acidity, ascorbic
acid and pectin are most important parameters in
addition to yield for recommending a cultivar for
commercial cultivation. In order to select superior
genotypes for future breeding programme of quince, the
extent of variability with respect to yield and fruit quality
is indispensable. Hence, intensive survey of Baramulla
district were surveyed for selecting better genotype
having good bearing capacity with high pectin content.

Keywords: N/A


Year: 2008
Volume: 68
Issue: 2
Article DOI: N/A
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906


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