Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding

Exploitation of heterosis in aromatic rices for different physico-chemical traits

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Hybrid technology has successfully been used to
increase the yields. Many high yielding rice hybrids
have been developed in India but in most cases quality
is not to the desirable extent and therefore, lacked
acceptability by consumers and millers. The increasing
demand of quality rices in the local and international
markets has paid attention on quality breeding. Improving
rice quality has now become prime objective of most
of breeding programmes. The quality characteristics of
rice includes the total head rice recovery, physical
attributes of kernel like size, shape and appearance,
cooking and eating quality, and aroma. In rice, heterosis
for grain yield and its components have been reported
by various workers, but little information is available on
quality characters. Therefore, it is essential to develop
quality rice hybrids by using CMS lines and aromatic
restorers that will be expected to aromatic if aroma is
governed by a dominant gene as reported Bijral &
Gupta [1]. In view of above considerations, the present
study has been planned to develop basmati rice hybrids
as well as non-aromatic ones with better quality, and
to estimate the heterosis for various quality characters
and yield.


Year: 2005
Volume: 65
Issue: 1
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906



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